Thursday, August 18, 2022

10 Best Poses of Yoga for Leg Pain


Yoga is the best way to boost your physical, mental, and spiritual health. It is important as it balances your aura and strengthens your body. Some yoga poses help to stretch the muscles of the legs. This is beneficial in reducing your physical pain by increasing flexibility as well as the balance of your body.

Many reasons result in Pain in the leg. The painkillers available on market can cause temporary relief from pain. This can be replaced by yoga. Because it is the best way to cure your pain which is without any side effects.

Regular practice of yoga helps to give relief from leg pain by stretching muscles of the lower limbs. It also increases blood circulation. The yoga for leg pain at night is avoided by regular practice.

In this article, we are going to understand how yoga is helpful to reduce leg pain and yoga poses for legs and thighs to maintain the strength of the legs, knees, and calf muscles.

Here are some yoga poses that are beneficial for you to reduce leg pain.

So, let’s start!


Many people suffer from leg cramps appearing during the night time which occur due to involuntary muscle contraction of calf muscles. Yoga for leg pain at night is avoided by using yoga poses such as Uttanpasana, Anantasana, and Ardha chandrasana, out of which Uttanpadasana is yoga for calf muscle which reduces leg pain during the night. The important benefit of this pose is it helps to increase blood circulation in joints and lymph nodes. It involves stretching which helps to boost blood circulation in the legs and reduces leg pain. this is also yoga for sciatica leg pain.

2.Adho Mukha Svanasana

This is one of the best poses among yoga poses for legs and thighs. This is used to tone legs and arms by focusing on the hamstring. It also opens calves by stretching. Along with stretching it also help with muscle lengthening which is responsible for the flexibility of muscles.


Utkatasana is also known as chair pose helps to increase flexibility and strengthening of legs. It mainly focuses on the thighs and stabilizes your knees. Therefore, this is also used to improve your posture. Utkatasana is yoga for strong legs and knees. This yoga pose decreases the flat feet problem. Utkastasana is mainly focused on the lower body, especially the thighs, calves, spine, and ankles. This is yoga for leg strength helping to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility.


This is the side stretch pose of yoga for leg strength. it provides complete stretch to your legs and helps to open the glutes, calves, and hamstring by stretching. It stretches your legs from the back which also strengthens your front legs. This help to maintain strength, stability, and lengthening of your legs.


Virasana is also known as the hero pose. It is yoga for strong legs and knees as it stretches the meniscus of knees at the medial and lateral sides. This also helps to increase blood circulation in the lower limb. Apart from this, it provides complete stretch to quads and feet top which is helpful for strong legs. It is beneficial for athletes because it helps them to increase performance during their sport. The flat feet are relieved by Virasana.


Hanumanasana or splits pose yoga is the best yoga for legs. It is also known as monkey pose which is responsible for the complete opening of hips by quads stretching. It helps stretch strengthen and lengthen of hips, calves, and hamstring. This is beneficial as it reduces pain caused by sciatica. Therefore, it is responsible for increasing flexibility. It also opens the inner thighs by stretching muscles. It increases your feet’ flexibility which further increases your range of motion. Hanumansana is yoga for leg pain at night as it relieves pain caused by leg cramps at night.

7.Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana

This is also known as standing spilled which is most important as it involves a complete stretch of the back. This helps to stretch the adductors of the legs which are elevated. It also helps to stretch the flexor of the hips and groins of the inner part of the legs.

  1. Bhujangasana

When the sciatic nerve from the buttocks is pinched leads to server leg pain in the back. This is responsible for muscle weakness of the lower leg. Bhujangasana is yoga for sciatica leg pain. Strengthening of muscle and flexibility of spinal cord increase by bhujangasana. This yoga for sciatica leg pain helps to treat sciatica.

9.Supta Padangusthanasana

This is also yoga for sciatica leg pain. It is also known as reclined hand to big toe poseIt reduces pain caused by the sciatic nerve by giving intense stretch to thighs, hamstrings, and hips. This help to treat your weak muscles by stretching. This yoga pose also helps to reduce stiffness of the lower back and reduces backache. This is yoga for strong legs and knees because it gives intense stretch and decreases arthritis in the knees on regular practice.

10.                                Trikonasana

Trikonasana or triangle pose is yoga for legs. It is helpful to stretch and tone your legs by stretching your lower limb. That causes a decrease in stiffness in the spine and lower back part of the body. Trikonasana maintains flexibility of the lower limb by targeting adductors of the legs. As it helps to stretch a muscle, it is further responsible for the stability and flexibility of the lower limb. This yoga pose is responsible for the activation of the muscle present in the core. Therefore, it helps to maintain balance in the body. The intense stretching of Trikonasana opens quads.



  1. Adho Mukh Svanasana
  2. Utkatasana
  3. Parsvottanasana
  4. Virasana
  5. Hanumanasana
  6. Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
  7. Bhujangasana
  8. Supta Padangusthanasana
  9. Trikonasana

Friday, April 8, 2022

2 Benefits of Gastric Bypass Vs Sleeve for Weight Loss


In this article, we will talk about general problems that people face when they decide about undergoing bariatric surgery or gastric bypass surgery. They have a lot of confusion and doubts. Patients find it much more difficult to get the right answers.

So, we will try to make things as simple as possible for you. We will discuss who should consult a bariatric surgeon? Otherwise, what are the indications for a consultation with a bariatric center?

So, our main criteria for seeing a patient or classifying a patient to get a gastric bypass surgery done or to not cure them with medicines, physiotherapy, and dietary modifications are based on BMI.

Also, do not think that whosoever enters a varied clinic is not going to undergo gastric bypass surgery.

Hence, we have different modalities of treatment available like life plans, lifestyle modifications, medicines, exercise, and bariatric surgery (gastric bypass) comes last.

When you are so much obese that you cannot reduce it by any other means, then we advise people a metabolic surgery or gastric bypass surgery.

Also Read: How to cure gastric problems permanently? 7 Home Remedies

What is Gastric Bypass?

When to choose Gastric Bypass Surgery?

So, to begin with, gastric bypass surgery, firstly you should know your BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is calculated depending upon your weight and height.

Also, you can download an app on your smartphone (on Android as well as on iOS). Enter your weight and height and easily calculate your BMI.

Anybody who is of patient origin and gets a BMI of 37.5 or above should consult a doctor. What to do with this is to be decided by the clinic.

As alternatives to gastric bypass surgery, patients may opt for medicines, cell modifications, diet plans, physiotherapy, etc. It is because most of the patients are able to lose significant weight without undergoing gastric bypass.

However, in case you exceed 32.5 BMI and you have comorbidity (comorbidity includes gravities, high blood pressure, joint pains, breathing problems, etc. & the diseases that are associated with obesity) then you are a candidate for bariatric surgery.

Also, if the BMI exceeds 37.5 and even if you don’t have any more associated problems you become a candidate for bariatric surgery.

Hence, these are the two main criteria to check whether you should opt for gastric bypass or not. The two criteria are a BMI of 37.5 or more and a BMI of 32.5 and comorbidity.

In other words, these two criteria indicate that now is the time you should go for surgery. If you think you want to choose surgery to lose weight, you should see a metric surgeon. They are concerned to be at the clinic and what is to be done will be decided by the staff and members of the team. Eventually, you can get rid of the excess weight of your associated problems.

In addition to gastric bypass, you should undergo a weight loss program as early as possible in your life. So that, you have more healthy areas. If you keep on waiting and wasting time you will lose your precious time.

That is to say, if you see a bariatric clinic or a weight loss clinic at the age of 20 then it is far better than seeing the same clinic at the age of 40 or 50. Hence, it is recommended to consult a bariatric clinic or a bariatric surgeon as early in your life as possible.

Gastric Bypass Vs Sleeve:

Now, we have understood the two criteria which will help you in choosing the surgery or other weight loss methods. However, after opting for surgery, you should decide on one of the two surgery available. Here is a comparison between gastric bypass vs sleeve surgery with an example.

So, let’s understand the two different concepts of gastric bypass vs sleeve surgery with the example of a patient, Sanjana.

Difference between Gastric Bypass Vs Sleeve:

The main difference is that the gastric sleeve is a restrictive procedure and the gastric bypass is a malabsorptive procedure.

Sanjana has been thinking about having weight loss surgery. She searched a lot of research papers and found that the two most common procedures are gastric bypass vs sleeve surgery. However, Sanjana doesn’t know which one is right for her.

Both are very similar procedures and in both cases the procedures are irreversible.

The expected hospital stay ranges from two to three days while undergoing both surgeries.

Although, the methods differ in a way that both operations reduce the amount of food you can eat before feeling full. In gastric bypass, the doctor attaches a small pouch to the intestine in order to bypass the stomach. Patients can expect to lose 60-80% of excess weight within the first year.

Also, better results are expected in patients with a BMI over 45 and the most common complications consist of the risk of dumping syndrome.

On the other hand, in gastric sleeve surgery, the surgeon removes a portion of the stomach producing a tube-shaped sleeve. Patients should expect to lose weight at a slower and steadier rate.

Better results are expected in patients with a BMI over 30 in an 18 month period. They may lose 60-70% of excess weight with a lower risk of dumping syndrome.

Hence, whether you select gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, it is crucial to follow a strict post-surgery diet. It will bring better results to your body.

Benefits of Gastric Bypass Vs Sleeve:

The benefits of both procedures are listed here.

  1. It can help as an effective tool for achieving long-term weight loss.
  2. They can help improve obesity-related conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea.

Hence, to choose the better surgery for your body, you should work alongside your doctor. They will aid in choosing the best weight loss procedure for you.

Typically, your BMI and obesity-related conditions are the main factors that doctors consider while recommending surgery.

Now, Sanjana is ready to choose the right surgery and transform her life. Similar to Sanjana, you are now ready to choose the best way for your body. So, choose any surgery out of these two and lose your weight easily.


In the conclusion, it is clear that you can choose any of the two methods available. Both surgeries gastric bypass vs sleeve works effectively and helps in reducing the weight.

So, choose any one of the surgeries that you and your doctor think as the best and most effective for your body.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

7 Best Health Benefits of Fish Oil: Good for Heart & Brain


We are always talking and concerned about a balanced diet. How our daily food can be defined as a balanced diet? It should contain all the necessary supplements such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, minerals, etc. in adequate amounts. Let's talk about good fats that can be derived from fish oil.

Most people think that fats are bad for the body. That is to say, one must not consume foods that are rich in fats. However, there are some exceptions and some misconceptions about the health benefits of fish oil which are going to break by this article.

In this article, we will talk about the good fats that must be consumed in the daily diet and are necessary for the body. Also, we will discuss the importance and health benefits of fish oil. So, let's get started.

Health Benefits of Fish Oil:

  1. Good Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acid:

Fish oil is one of the best sure of Omega-3 fatty acids. Also, World Health Organization (WHO) recommends one and a half fish per week. So, you can get enough amount Omega-3 fatty acids. But why is it so important to include Omega-3 fatty acids in our daily diet? Let's understand.

  1. Good For Heart:

Firstly, fish oil supplement provides Omega-3 fatty acid which helps to reduce heart strokes. That is to say, it can greatly reduce the chances of heart disease. So, fish oil is good for your heart.

Secondly, it is proven that those who eat fish or intake fish oil in enough amount have a low incidence of heart disease.

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Regulates Cholesterol Levels:

Thirdly and most importantly, it increases the levels of HDL in the blood. In other words, good cholesterol levels increase after eating fish oil supplements. However, it does not regulate or lower the LDL (bad cholesterol).

Lower Triglycerides:

It is important to maintain and lower the concentration of triglycerides in the body. Fish oil can do this in a good manner.

In other words, it can diminish the levels of triglycerides by the margin of 15-30%.

Controls Blood Pressure:

In addition to triglyceride levels, it is also crucial to maintain the right levels of blood pressure.

It can maintain and regulate the blood pressure levels inside the body. That is to say, fish oil reduces blood pressure. Do you know how?

It loosens the plaques that cause the blood vessels or arteries to choke. In other words, it dissolves the plaques and allows the blood to flow through the arteries smoothly. Hence, by loosening and preventing the formation of plaque, it can maintain the blood pressure of the body.

Treats Arrhythmia:

The abnormal heartbeats can be treated by eating fish oil supplements. It makes the heartbeat at a rhythmic pace and allows the regulation of blood pressure.

  1. Good For Brain:

Fish oil is good for the brain in the sense that your brain consists of 6% fat. Most of the fat is Omega-3 fatty acid. So, it is important to supply enough Omega-3 fats to the brain for its proper and normal function.

Prevents Mental Disorders:

The blood tests of mental patients have shown low levels of Omega-3 fats. That is to say, low levels of Omega-3 fats affect mental health in a severe manner.

Also, it is proven by some researchers that fish oil can prevent mental disorders and regulate its symptoms.

For example, the levels of Omega-3 fats can greatly influence the symptoms of psychotic disorders. Additionally, it provides good protection against the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.

  1. Good For Eyes:

Similar to the brain, Omega-3 fats are also present in the eyes. So, eyes also require Omega-3 fats in order to maintain proper functions.

Prevents Age-related Muscular Degeneration (AMD):

It is shown ins some studies that Omega-3 highly impacts the symptoms of AMD.

The vision starts to declines with old age. It is because of AMD. As a result of AMD, old people cannot see properly. Due to muscular degeneration, it becomes difficult for the eyes to focus on something and to develop a focused and clear image of that scene. Eventually, the vision gets lost.

However, we can improve our vision by including fish oil supplements in our daily diet.


In the conclusion, it is now clear that fish oil has plenty of health benefits. The most important health benefit of fish oil is that it is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Also, it is good for the brain, heart, and eyes. Here are the health benefits of fish oil.

  • Good source of Omega-3 fats,
  • Regulates cholesterol levels,
  • Controls blood pressure,
  • lowers triglycerides,
  • Treats arrhythmia,
  • Prevents mental disorders, and
  • Prevents AMD.

10 Best Poses of Yoga for Leg Pain

  Yoga is the best way to boost your physical, mental, and spiritual health. It is important as it balances your aura and strengthens your...